I'd suggest going to a doctor and getting checked out before deciding on doing anything, including heavy cardio and supplements.
You don't want to play with fire and have a heart attack or anything. This isn't going to happen overnight. I'd say 90% of people who start diets quit then start again then quit again after being discouraged. It's all about breaking the cycle and being able to stay focused. If you want to be able to stay focused sign up for the body for life contest- $100K should be enough to keep anyone focused
Change slowly- play basketball, take bike rides, walk, etc. I wouldn't get into doing heavy cardio yet and your body won't allow for it anyways.
Your diet will be the first change. No carbs after a certain hour- I'd say 8 for now just because you are just starting and it's hard to drop carbs totally. Then slowly move down to 6, then 4.
Also, check out the Diet board- lot's of smart people over there who have TONS of diet options that they'd be more than happy to help you with.
As always, drugs should be used by people who are already in great shape and are trying to get over a hump. Not for people thinking they're taking a magical pill that will change them. Newbies should never do any kinds of drugs because they just don't know what dedication and hard training is about yet and those things are what drugs require to be effective.
also, education. start picking up fitness mags and men's health mags. they'll teach you alot of w/o and diet basics that you will be able to tweak to your liking.
AS FOR YOUR DIET - MOST IMPORTANT = START SLOWLY. Cut out beer one week. cut out soda the next week or week after - cut out sweets two weeks after that - cut out pizza a few weeks after that - then start timing your meals - first no food after 11 pm. then next week = no food after 10 p.m. - then 2 weeks later no food after 9 pm - and so forth.
hope this helps some bro - keep us informed on your progress.
sorry no hope for a fat ass like you........you will quit right ....you chunky guys always do......Go ahead proove me wrong ;Mister Donut..........STOP EATING AND THINKING STEROIDS OR DRUGS ARE THE ANSWER .....THAT IS ANOTHER SIGN OF LAZINESS ON YOUR PART(U ARE USE TO THIS)EAT CLEAN JUST CUT THE CALORIES EVEN THEM OUT IN THE DAY :MOVE ,WALK,GO UP STAIRS ........STOP SAYING :HUMMM THIS CHOCOLATE BAR WONT HURT ITS JUST 1. U GOT FAT AND UGLY OVER TIME """"""LONG TIME TO BE LIKE THAT ,of sitting eating sitting eating.........Now u must do alot of moving dieting moving dieting....................If u got the cash go for liposuction followed by some DNP.....Then get yourself a chick you dont have to pay to to sleep with her.......and become a Non virgin.......Now u will have my respect Chunky! THIS MIGHT BE MEAN BUT IVE HAD FAT ASS CLIENTS LIKE U """""""""I KNOW WHATS IN YOUR BRAIN
You can do it but ya gotta really want it and have to have taken enough shit from people who are flamin ya to do it. Use the negative stuff they throw at ya as fuel to get fit. I had to do it when I was 35% and had to deal with assholes callin me names too. Now I can just throw it in there faces. You wont believe the power you will feel once you really start seein the results. You just gotta get the ball rollin and keep it rollin. You can do it BF.
the biggest mistake overweight people do is skip meals. DONT DO IT. you need to keep your metabolism working hard so eat more meals (5-6) spread throughout the day. eat cleaner food, hit some heavy cardio, and if your interested in drugs, get on the t3 and clen when you feel you can handle it. theres no doubt in my mind that under your fat theres a ripped sob. keep us posted on how its going.
1) Get checked out by yer doc
2) Start slowly making small changes... i.e. walk stairs instead of taking the lift... walk to the shops instead of taking the car etc.
3) Like the guys said, drop eating/drinkings something each week.
I've lost a few pounds of fat over the last few months (mainly thanks to the guys here) and it started by having 6 small meals a day and not eating after 8pm and ensuring my last 2 meals had little or no carbs.
Also used flax which seems to help keep cals up when working out hard... I was overweight and I can see dramatic changes when looking at photos from my last holiday (septembet 2000).
If you make those small adjustments... keep comparing to that photo and youll be suprised... the fast initial fat loss will be an excellent buzz and will give you excellent motivation to carry on
remember to not get disappointed if you don't see immediate results....you didn't get fat in six weeks don't expect to get lean that quick either! try to limit your loss to 1-2 pounds a week (your first week you may loose 6-10 pounds , but that is just water from the depletion of carbs. Keep us posted . I also would suggest that you keep a photo diary. new picture every 2 weeks ...progress may be slow , but every 6-10 pound you should be able to see a differance in the phots, to keeep you encouraged.