First off thank you for asking bro. I know you and others have all been waiting
for a book like this to come out. Lots of people trust my advice and even thous who don't know I have years of experence in the cooking filed so this is
a subject I can cover.
Right now the book starts off as a base. First off it will show any and every one how to cook. It shows the basics of cooking as well as tips of all kinds to become faster,better, and more efficient in all aspect of cooking for your goals. Its geared for athletes of all kinds right now. It is full of time savers,money savers, and problems solvers that all of us face both athletes and health nuts alike. There are many verities of recipes from bulk to cut. It is set up as 5 meals and pree and post meal shakes right now with over 300 recipes to get you started. I have not tackled the project of meal plans for bulk cut or pree contest yet in the book though there are meals and recipes for all of them in the book. Some of the meals have the micor's already written down for you and some don't. I will show people how to find out this info on there own.
This will be a on going book that will grow with the reader. Its a subject we have all been waiting for and I will not half ass it. The book is just a start but a damn good one. It has a chapter on how to make a weeks worth of meals in a day. How to serve store and carry it. Shit it has so much info it it. It took me way longer to make then I liked and there is sooooo much more that needs to me covered. I feel its the best base I could give people right now. I have had many people breathing down my neck to get this don.
Any and every one is going to learn a lot about cooking for body building and or any health gaols with this book, and its only going to grow and get better.
So yes in a way there is a 6 meal plan that you can follow. The recipes for 6 meals a day are all there laid out as easy can be, But there is also so much more.
Hell yes there is some cheat meals and more to come lol!!!!!