The person who wrote this artical is a freak! everyone is always asking him how he got so big so he wrote the artical your quoting. This is what HE goes by to get big thats it. No one is trying to say it works for you adverage 175 lb joe and no one is trying to say that is what everyone should be doing.
Yeah this was taken out of context..This was part of an article posted by bigdho..I agree that just b/c a pro endorses "xyz" doesnt mean that it sgould be taken as gospel..granted there really isnt enough info to implement his strategy but im kinda surprised how many people are criticizing this..I dont really think 500g of protein is way out of line for a size diet..i weigh 225 and if i eat 2gxbw thats equal amount of carbs and 100 grams of fat per day and ive got 4500cals with a 40/40/20 that out of line?