Hi, I am new here I weigh 133 on my good days and 136 on my bad days I am 5'8 and 28 years old. I am trying to tone I have been lifting weights walking about a mile a day right now. I have been at it for about 3 weeks. I have to go slow because I had major surgery this past year, in fact 8 surgeries in 9 months. Now my diet is what I am concerned about my husband is a bodybuilder and tries to help, but I would like to know if we are both on the right track. My calorie intake is an average of 1450 a day and I have 2 slim fast drinks a day. I was wondering what my carb intake should be vs my protien. I hate red meat but I am trying to eat it I can eat it about once a week. Chicken is great it is just red meat I have a problem with.Besides Carbs vs Protien I also need help with some butt excercise and abs. I hate lunges. My abs are already shaping but I have sagy skin from having 2 kids can anywoman tell me if this will ever go away. It sort of did after my first child but not all the way. I want a hard stomach and have always done situps. Although they are forming really fast now days for some reason maybe I just needed to work harder for them.