New member
OK heres the deal. I've got a vacation coming up in about 8 wks. I figured this would be a good goal to shoot for. To start w/ I'm not that far off(relatively lean already). So 10 wks. out I upped my cardio to 4-6 times/wk. from 3 times/wk. and resrticted my calories by about 500 cal./day less than what I've been eating. I got on the scales yesterday and I've gained 6 lbs. WTF? I'm on a maint. dose of test e @ 250/wk. I know you shouldn't judge your progress by the scales and more by how your clothes feel and look in the mirror. But damn that makes no sense. I know one thing. I look pretty good in the morning when I first get up. But by the time I get home from work, I look like a porker w/ a bloated gut. You think it's just water? Or could this be a delayed reaction to what my previouas diet was and it's just now showing on me? Puzzled.