Mon April 11th
9:30 am - 3 egg whites, 1 egg yolk. Really wanted to add 1/2 cup oatmeal, but realized I was out when I got to work. Boss gave me a look when I got right up to go to the store, so I sat my azz down and settled for the eggs. Ha.
12:30 - 1:15 - Cardio class involving stepper, body bar, and lo and behold instructor had us do some upper body work with db's. Guess what I'm not doing tonight at home?
2:00 pm - salad with red onions, boiled egg, fresh turkey meat, sundried tomatoes, splash of Italian dressing.
3:30 pm - 1.23 oz Atkins Endulge
I'm noticing that after eating salad, I crave something sweet because of the nasty taste the salad is leaving in my mouth. My coworker just so happened to have one of this mini bars lying around and it taste soooooooo good. Prolly too good to be true. I think I'll bring some fruit in like strawberries, and hope no one eats them for days like this.
6:30 pm - 2 Salmon Croquettes, made with onion, egg, and a little wheat germ to hold it all together. 1 cup of raw spinach with 1t balsamic vinegar, 1t evo.
8:00 pm - 1 glass dark rum and juice, the sugary kind, all I had, and I was pissed off. Needless to say I went to bed soon after.