Super Slappy Sam,
I am not trying to rain on your parade. If these guys are natural and that strong, then that is awesome, and I am proud of them, natural, juiced, whatever. I am a 500 plus bencher myself, I know what kind of work it takes to get there.
But I have also been around the iron game long enough to know that just because a person says they are natural, that does not mean that they are. I don't give a rat's ass if you are natural or not. When it comes down to contest time, that bar is either going to get locked out or it is not, and no excuses are going to make the bar go up.
My point is this, and I will try and narrow my focus here. Too many young lifters are told that XYZ is clean, because he says he is, or because he lifts in a "clean" organization, and when this kid realizes that he is never going to get anywhere near that level he is told, you must not have the genetics and quits completely. I personally think this is a shame. Very few national and world class competitors in powerlifting and strongman are clean. No national and world class bodybuilders are clean. People need to realize this.
Telling them otherwise, and making them believe that they are genetically inferior is not fair to the youngster, who has no way of knowing any better.
I doubt if you and I are as far apart on this issue as it would seem. Clean freaks irritate me. Not everyone who is clean is a clean freak. Clean freaks are like annoying bible thumpers who insist that they are perfect and everyone else must be like them. I as I said above don't care whether you or anyone else is on the sauce or not. But at the top level of competition in any iron game sport, most if not all are assisted and youngster's need to realize this.