New member
Tarheel said:Thanks for posting it up Colin!
Nice Koala bear in your avatar

BigBadBootyDaddy29 said:That could be a smart split......let me know if you like it, or if for your goals (speed and strength and explosive power I am presuming), it isn't enough workouts per week......if you can post a journal that would be decent as hell.....I'm real, real curious. Also, do you consider yourself hardgainer? or do gains come easily for you??
The frequency is fine, because you have to consider that even on my upper body days, my erectors and legs get hit hard from rows and stuff. While on leg days, the oly lifts hit my back and shoulders hard too. This split will allow me to do more total body stuff like power jerks etc, without having to worry about my shoulders being too sore to bench/press etc on the next day.
Or push presses, without my legs being too sore for legs the next day.
Well not a hardgainer, but I still have to work for my gains just as hard as everyone else. To say I train hard is an understatement

muscledog95 said:whats your rep and sets like CCJ?
Difficult to answer, it changes all the time - the major compound moves are usually around 5-8 sets of 3 or 3-5 sets of 5. sometime a combo with some lighter speed sets of 3. Then I'll have some extra moves (some isolation) with sets of 8-15 etc
take a look at my upper body workout yesterday - I've already started this new split - this will give you an idea
Pretty high volume - but I never got failure on purpose, and I'm in loading up phase (3 weeks)
Tuesday 13th May 2003 - Upper Body 1
16 inch grip Bench Press in Power Rack - No spotters
Main form - 16 inch grip, thumbs touching inner smooth area, shoulder blades tucked.
warmups - Benchpress 45lbsx10, 95x5, 135x5, 185x3, 205x2
Tempo - 10X0 Rest - 3mins
PowerPushUps x 3 - rest 2mins then - 225x3 (about 85% of 1RM)
PowerPushUps x 3 - rest 2mins then - 225x3
PowerPushUps x 3 - rest 2mins then - 225x3
PowerPushUps x 3 - rest 2mins then - 225x3
PowerPushUps x 3 - rest 2mins then - 225x3
135 x 7 - 3secs up and down
Single Arm Dumbell Row on Bench
Warmups - 30lbsx5, 55x5, 85x3, 110x1
Tempo - 10X0
Rest - 3mins
Reversegrip 110lbs 2x5
Parallelgrip 110x5
speed sets - 1min rest
80lbs 3x3 - 1st set reverse, 2nd parallel, 3rd reverse
55lbs x10 - 3 sec up and down.
Tempo 1010 Rest - alternated with and Shrug Rows - 2mins between each
BW? (with shoes) + 6kg Dumbell 2x10
Dumbell Forward Leaning Shrug Rows
Warmup - 45x6
Tempo 1010 Rest - alternated with Dips and LowPulley Bench - 2mins between each
65lbs 2x10 - palms facing grip
Cuff Complex + Arms
Cuff complex - done one after the other
warmup - each 3kg dumbell x6
Then 8kg dumbell twice through
2mins rest between each complex
45 degree Incline side raise (face down) x8, x8
L Cuff raise - elbow on knee x8, x8
Subscap rotations+10sec stretch x8,x8
Supinating Dumbell curls 40lbs 2x8
Cable Pressdowns - Left arm only 30lbs 2x10
Low Pulley Cable 30 deg Incline Bench Press
Tempo 1010 Rest - 2mins
25lbs x10, x8
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