New member
I was tired of being called a pretty boy and going to bars and being afraid to squeeze through the large crowds without pissing anyone off. So 3 months ago I started doing something about it. I weighed in at 142lbs at 5-8 with 12% body fat. My goal was simple, bench my weight. I started by reading everything I could get my hands on. Mens Health, T-Mag, Elite Fitness boards and articles. I started with a simple 4 day routine, Chest, Back and Biceps, Legs and Shoulders and Triceps. I made one huge mistake in the beginning. I wasn't eating nearly enough protein. But anyways my first week of lifting I maxed out on the 3 big lifts to see how far I could progress. So 3 months ago, I benched for the first time in my life. I threw a 45lb plate on each side of the bar and had at it. One problem, I couldn't move it an inch. After embarrassing myself very bad, yes I had to yell for help, I maxed out at 115bs. The following day i tried my luck on deadlifts. 135lbs once, I was feeling better. And finally, I squated 120lbs once for my max. So my goal was simple, bench my weight and get up to 150lbs. 3 months later i'm weighing in at 154lbs, up 12lbs. I benched 175lbs today for my max. My squat max is 260lbs for 2 reps. On deadlift I can now do 225 for 6 reps. I am now addicted to lifting like a lot of people on this board. Thanks much for the inspiration. These are my after pics, sorry I never took before because I never thought I would stick with it.
5-8 (no change)
5-8 (no change)