thanks to all of you who replied
I will adapt my workouts so I just focus on one body part per session. It's definitely true that I am aching all over at the moment so it makes it hard to go at it again for the next few days. If I split it at least I'll have time to recover before I work those muscles again. I'll copy your split-routine, malhavoc

: chest/bi's
I guess I'll add in a few more sets and reps then too, because I only have so many exercises for each section.
BTW, my gym isn't actually women only. There's quite a few men who train there too - they seem to dominate the weights room while most of the women seem to prefer punishing themselves on the treadmills in the cardio room.
Gladiola, I take your point about the free weights. I think that's why it will be a good idea for me to have a couple of sessions with a one-on-one trainer, because at least that way I'll get someone supervising my form to make sure I get it right. I think I'll wait a few weeks before spending money on a trainer though. I went to the gym today and, with a few amendments (e.g reps of 15 rather than 10, highers weights on certain machines, adding in of gravitron), I found it challenging enough. In fact I was shaking with muscle spasms for about two hours after finishing! I also felt like I was drunk
Bronzedgoddess - thanks for letting me know what the low bp, high pulse implied, I'll try drinking more water then