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Approved Log My Deca Durabolin Testosterone Cypionate Masteron Cycle Log

Week 1 300mgs deca
Week2 300mgs deca 250 test cyp yk-11 10mgs
Week3 300mgs deca 350 test cyp yk-11 10mgs
Week4 300mgs deca 400test cyp yk-11 10mgs
Week5 300mgs deca 400test cyp yk-11 10mgs
Week6 same
Week7 same
Week8 400mgs deca 400 test might drop the yk-11 add in anadrol50mgs
Week9-12 same then pct enclo 25 mgs
Diet good exercise every day no days off
That wont work
Thanks guys ☺️I’m definitely gonna start at 400mg deca then 400mgs of cyp thanks for advice I’m glad I joined!!! I want my lil girl to see that if you want something bad enough and you put all your time and energy in you can achieve anything you set your mind too!! I wanna step on stage at least once nothing can stop me till I’m all the way up!! 😝
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