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Approved Log My Deca Durabolin Testosterone Cypionate Masteron Cycle Log


EF Logger
Week 1 300mgs deca
Week2 300mgs deca 250 test cyp yk-11 10mgs
Week3 300mgs deca 350 test cyp yk-11 10mgs
Week4 300mgs deca 400test cyp yk-11 10mgs
Week5 300mgs deca 400test cyp yk-11 10mgs
Week6 same
Week7 same
Week8 400mgs deca 400 test might drop the yk-11 add in anadrol50mgs
Week9-12 same then pct enclo 25 mgs
Diet good exercise every day no days off
Week 1 300mgs deca
Week2 300mgs deca 250 test cyp yk-11 10mgs
Week3 300mgs deca 350 test cyp yk-11 10mgs
Week4 300mgs deca 400test cyp yk-11 10mgs
Week5 300mgs deca 400test cyp yk-11 10mgs
Week6 same
Week7 same
Week8 400mgs deca 400 test might drop the yk-11 add in anadrol50mgs
Week9-12 same then pct enclo 25 mgs
Diet good exercise every day no days off
0 reason to pyramid test. Start at 400. You won't be at full blood saturation for 4-5 weeks.
Same with deca.

You also need rest days. This is not smart training.
Week 1 300mgs deca
Week2 300mgs deca 250 test cyp yk-11 10mgs
Week3 300mgs deca 350 test cyp yk-11 10mgs
Week4 300mgs deca 400test cyp yk-11 10mgs
Week5 300mgs deca 400test cyp yk-11 10mgs
Week6 same
Week7 same
Week8 400mgs deca 400 test might drop the yk-11 add in anadrol50mgs
Week9-12 same then pct enclo 25 mgs
Diet good exercise every day no days off
@RiverRat1220 great thank you for starting the LOG.

We need to talk more and get more info from you, please share more.

Diet, training
diet, we need to see foods you eat and when you eat them, actual meals and macros
training, please share actual training exercises reps and sets and weights as you go
cardio the same thing as training
If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

what supplements you take ED?
list them please

please share pictures of you face blurred so we can see your base
pics of your meals please share
pics of training please share
pics of your GEAR is a must what you using?
and pics of supplements

please share and update the log as you go so we can guide you as a big EF family
You will do great on this cycle
i hope you use para pharma
glad to see you got this log going
make sure you keep the diet updated
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