great workout today, i felt sleepy and tired the whole day. a combination of not enough sleep accompined with not enough food. but the results were outstanding.
Gym work:
Good morning - 315 x 1 (40lb pr)
Zercher pin squat - 365 x 3 (30lb pr)
rev hyper - bdw x 3 x 8.
glute ham raise - bdw x 3 x 8.
pulldown abs ( 50lbs) super setted with hanging leg raises.(bodyweight) 5 x 15 each exercise.
Tire flip - 650lb tire for 80 feet ( 15 flips total) in 55 seconds.
The words of B fold help me and Trinity more than he realizes. "It's Nothing But Pain" are the words that ring true in both of our heads. That and the fact that we cant live with ourselves if we dont work harder than the next guy. the tire is hard, but realizing that it is just nothing but pain, then you can push yourself to go further threw that pain. Thanks, Bud
Trinity flipped her 250lb tire for 10 times. thats about 60-65 feet in about a minute and a half. not bad for this first time experience. She worked real hard, and had to remind herself several times....................."It's Nothing But Pain"
Gym work:
Good morning - 315 x 1 (40lb pr)
Zercher pin squat - 365 x 3 (30lb pr)
rev hyper - bdw x 3 x 8.
glute ham raise - bdw x 3 x 8.
pulldown abs ( 50lbs) super setted with hanging leg raises.(bodyweight) 5 x 15 each exercise.
Tire flip - 650lb tire for 80 feet ( 15 flips total) in 55 seconds.
The words of B fold help me and Trinity more than he realizes. "It's Nothing But Pain" are the words that ring true in both of our heads. That and the fact that we cant live with ourselves if we dont work harder than the next guy. the tire is hard, but realizing that it is just nothing but pain, then you can push yourself to go further threw that pain. Thanks, Bud
Trinity flipped her 250lb tire for 10 times. thats about 60-65 feet in about a minute and a half. not bad for this first time experience. She worked real hard, and had to remind herself several times....................."It's Nothing But Pain"