New member
I have recently started working out again after about a 15 year break. Having read through these discussion boards I realise I have either forgotten a bunch of shit or I wasn't training right when I was in my teens.
I have spent the last 8 weeks working out 6 days a week doing Chest and Tris, back and Bis and Legs and Back twice a week which typically take 60-75 minutes (90 - 100 minutes on ab days) My mucsle tone has recovered and I feel I'm ready to starting hitting it a little harder.
Now for my question. I going to be following the MAX-OT program and I'm finding it hard to believe that this routine can be done in 40 minutes. With the warm up and weight aclimation sets with 2 minites of rest between sets this seems like a 1 1/2 hour or more routine. Anybody have any experience following this routine? I'd like to keep it down to 60 minutes per day (80-90 minutes on ab days.
I have spent the last 8 weeks working out 6 days a week doing Chest and Tris, back and Bis and Legs and Back twice a week which typically take 60-75 minutes (90 - 100 minutes on ab days) My mucsle tone has recovered and I feel I'm ready to starting hitting it a little harder.
Now for my question. I going to be following the MAX-OT program and I'm finding it hard to believe that this routine can be done in 40 minutes. With the warm up and weight aclimation sets with 2 minites of rest between sets this seems like a 1 1/2 hour or more routine. Anybody have any experience following this routine? I'd like to keep it down to 60 minutes per day (80-90 minutes on ab days.