Did someone doing a few random questionaires tell you that?
Oh lookie! Here is one that disagrees with you!
"While money is reportedly the number one argument between a couple, it is unknown if this is actually the number one cause for divorce. Again, this is because the generalized incompatibility grounds would cover a reason for divorce based on money issues. " ..........."it is safe to say that of all the possible causes of divorce, incompatibility is the number one reason people file."
and another!
"When the vows break, don't blame it on financial problems. Money is not the number one cause of divorce, says a researcher at California State University, Sacramento.
Contrary to popular belief, there's no evidence that money issues are the major factor when marriages break up"
and yet another!
"Also, 62% of ex-wives and ex-husbands answered "yes" to the question, " do you wish your ex-spouse had worked harder to save the marriage?" These findings (along with "lack of commitment" being the number one reason given for divorce) run counter to the conventional wisdom that most divorces only happen after both spouses have done their best to save the marriage."