I agree w/Razorguns' statements. If a white mother said to her daughter or son, "Don't bring home a black man/woman." It would be considered highly offensive but for some reason the statement the other way around is not?
Let us call it what it is and stop being so politically correct.
Personally I feel that mothers/fathers like this are ignorant to eliminate a potential mate for their child based on color/heritage/race alone.
As I said as far as my daughters go my advice to them is, "Don't bring home an abusive asshole and baby, those come in EVERY race, color, age, gender, socio-economic group, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation."
Would it be easier for them to raise a family with a man that is more like them (as in color, religion, etc)? Of course, but if both of them are cognizant of the rammifications of their choice of one another, then who am I to say, "Don't do it."?
And as for the article and its implications ANYONE who chooses a mate based on some sort of percieved status is in for a rude awakening.
I find it odd that black women would choose white men because they feel that the white men are somehow overall better choices for mates. What does this say about white women who choose black men for mates? In other words I believe that the author of the article isn't necessarily representing some sort of *truth* but rather presenting the information in such a way as to support their personal opinion.
....just my .02