I think it depends. I've tren enanthate twice, and the effects it has are second to none.
I've noticed that I do tend to get a little emotionally cold. Not that I don't care about those close to me, but that I tend to have little patience for bullsh*t and mind games. Tren makes me very perceptive to when people are trying to act dominant toward me by their words and behaviour. Little things that I would normally let slip I tend to be willing to get into an argument when on it.
My sex drive increases to the point that I need to be consciously aware of it - unfortunately I get some minor performance issues in the bedroom while on tren - basically sex is less enjoyable for me while on it for a couple of reasons, the details of which I don't need to explain, as most guys that have run tren have probably experienced at one point or another.
It's not a compound that I would run all year long, though I know there are guys that have, with seemingly minimal to zero long term side effects from it.
I like it once a year during a summer cut. I've never ran it past 8 weeks, but that's just because I haven't. I don't feel toxic at all by that time, but I don't do drugs, drink, or smoke.
I get night sweats, but it doesn't bother me as it tends to help cool me down in my hot ass room since I run tren in the warmer months.
I definitely get carb cravings, but it seems like tren completely or almost completely shuttles ALL carbs I eat directly into the muscle.
My first cycle on tren I increased my carbohydrates by several hundred grams per day and always felt like I could have ate more. At one point I gained 3.3lbs of actual lean muscle tissue in 4 weeks, not including water or fat (multiple scans taken) while decreasing my bodyfat by half a percent over that time - going from 201 to 208lbs. I literally lost fat while gaining muscle in a significant caloric surplus.
No other AAS I have used can do that. I mean I can build muscle while on a light caloric deficit, builds lots of muscle on a calorie surplus, but to build muscle AND lose fat while on a high caloric surplus - WTF? That cycle was only 250 test e and 200 tren e per week.
Despite my making tren sound like the elixir of the gods, it's a love/hate relationship for me. My favorite AAS by far is testosterone, but for sheer bodybuilding - I don't think any other compound on it's own can do all the things tren can.