xblitz44x said:Hey Maff, you don't know me and I don't mean to go all Dr. Phil on your ass but I think you should sit down and examine why you hate what you see in the mirror. Now if somebody puts on 60 lbs in a short amount of time, chances are they are going to be disappointed and feel the urge to tighten it back up again for both health and cosmetic purposes. But it sounds like you have pure disgust and hatred for what you see in the mirror that goes beyond cosmetic and health reasons.
I quoted your text above because I think it speaks volumes. It sounds to me like for as long as you can remember, you got 'fucked with' and it probably crushed your self-esteem and self-assurance. It rocked your perception of yourself and at the worst possible time; grade-school, when your paradigm and views are all being solidified and molded. So you came to the conclusion: "They are teasing me because I'm fat. Therefore being fat is bad. If I get big and cut they won't tease me anymore." Sure enough, you leaned up and the torture slowed down or ceased.
So you deduced from your experience: "Being fat = bad and I won't be accepted. Being in shape = good." Your answer to your problems was to do whatever it takes to stay in shape. If you looked into the mirror and you weren't in shape, you hated yourself because it was a reflection of all of the fucked up things people did (and might do) to you when you were out of shape in the past.
Whether you're overweight, or skinny, or rippped you should be able to look into the mirror and accept yourself. Maybe not love your appearance or be satisfied with the way you look, but able to ACCEPT yourself. Positive change is always good but there should never be hatred or disgust. You have a lot of great things going for you now; a wife and a beautiful child. You should be able to look at yourself and be proud of the great things you've accomplished along the way, instead of harping on the mistakes you've made, or the miserable experiences you've endured.
Get ripped and strong because you love the journey, not because you feel like you have to. You've got a lot more to live for now than a six pack.
Wow.. hats off... well said dude... I know we could all use a page from that book...