solidg said:Thats interesting
Please tell me more
basically, when trying to replicate the research showing this effect. You would want to keep your 90% fat, 10% protein with zero carbs. This can be done with oils or even cream cheese.
Macadamia nuts will work b/c they are primarily fat, other nuts contain carbs so they dont work.
You dont want any "substance" that will increase "insulin" production. That includes protein or carbs and it also means you "HAVE" to have some calories in your diet to prevent you from using lean muscle to fuel you.
SO, the only thing left is dietary fat. That is where the macadamia nuts come in. They provide energy to utilize given you limit the amount to about 1000 calories. You cant eat 10,000 calories worth obviously or you'll gain weight like an artic bear preparing for hibernation.
The key is calorie deprivation coupled with the optimal hormonal environment to 'liberate' energy from the fat cells as a primary energy source.
Macadamia nuts is just one example of a high fat food with virtually nothing else. If you wanted optimal. then just take a small shot of oil per feeding with nothing else for ten days and you would lose the most weight.
The key thing is that insulin is nonexistant, the calorie deprivation is there and you have glucagon hormone running rampant over the usual insulin predominance. This will make you "pee" out ketones. Ketones are the byproducts of fat breakdown. Thats the way fat is used, fat goes to ketone bodies then burned but in excess, you will piss and shit out more energy than you use
Meaning, in the optimal fat fast diet, you will lose 1.5lbs on average with alot of that being excreted in urine, feces, sweat and breath. It may not make you the finest person to be around. Diabetics get that disgusting odor about them and people know it with they are in that state. But, it is very effective short term.
The thing is is that its safety has not been established to follow it long term but in the Naval hospital study over a total fast, the level of potassium stayed within normal preventing cardiac arrythmias from occuring.
It is the most effective way to lose fat stores that has been demonstrated.
The mechanism is the prevention of glucose or sugars being made from protein intake or the use of protein breaking down from muscle. That prevents glucose affecting insulin secretion and like I said. Insulin is the antagonist to glucagon and overrides it thereby fucking the hormonal balance for optimal weight loss.
A diet with minimal calories is better than a diet with zero calories as long as it comes from a virtually 100% fat source. Those extra calories prevent the body going into 'starvation' mode and using muscle for energy (which turns to glucose through neoglucogenesis which affects insulin preventing glucagon from releasing fat stores)
Its a few steps away from making sense, but if you think it through, it make sense. A high fat low calorie diet is by science proven the best way to reduce fat stores.
Now, the problem is cheating and sticking to it, no one can. If you eat or cheat, it ruins the hormonal environment that the whole idea is striving towards. Most likely why no one talks about this at all b/c its not realistic