Mmm. I think you're right about the weight, vinylgroover, since it usually happens on the heaviest sets. However - I can still crank out, like, 10 reps or so on those sets, so it's not like it's that heavy - and this is AFTER about 3 sets each of two compound moves - usually narrow grip bench and dips, WITH forced reps.
I haven't done tri pushdowns for a while, since I prefer compound type moves, but I started doing them again recently for a change. I'll have to check my form - I thought I was perfect on them - chest up and out, standing nice and close to the stack to prevent forward lean - in fact, I'm so close my knuckles almost graze the cable - elbows locked into sides, lats and ... rhomboids? (middle back) plus erectors contracted, shoulders back, abs, glutes, thighs tight, knees very slightly bent - looking straight ahead to prevent hunching ... Am I missing anything?
When I lighten the stack to take out the delts, I end up doing way too many reps. Mmm, maybe it's time to drop these and go back to skullcrushers or overhead raises for my finishing move ...
MS - wouldn't you want to be trying to pull your hands AWAY from each other to force the elbows to tuck in toward each other more?
BTW - how far past 90 degrees does everyone go on the negative of these? All the way up?