hey i just registered and this is my first post. I'm 19 and i have been messing with weights for about 4 years, and really lifting hard and eating right for almost 2 years. im 6 feet and weigh around 170. i was not very blessed in the genetics department so i pretty much started from scratch a couple years ago. im not disappointed in the way my body looks now, i just think that i have put in too much time and effort in the weight room and eating to not be farther along in gaining muscle. the one think i have not been doing right is drinking. ive been drinking about three nights a week since 3 years ago and between 4-7 nights for the last year or so. i know that shit sounds really bad, and i am now starting to realize it is.(hard not to drink in college) i was just wondering how much bearing alchol has on body building. am i completely counter acting my gym time and all the protein, carbohydrates, and supplements i put in my body with alcohol. Any knowledge shared would be extremely helpful. thanks, and nice to meet all of you.