As for THIS strength athlete, and others I train with, we only do ONE (yes, one) move per muscle...3-4 sets. We generally pick moves that are in the plane of the lift we are working to improve. For example bent over reverse grip BB rows with arms at 90 degrees to build lats for a PL bench.
As I have said before, I have gained considerably more mass training this way. Muscle development has not suffered because I only concentrate on one part of the muscle. I think alot of those issues (training the insertion and origin) are designed to make up for genetics (muscle belly length) which is likely not going to happen.
Yes, I'm home.
As I have said before, I have gained considerably more mass training this way. Muscle development has not suffered because I only concentrate on one part of the muscle. I think alot of those issues (training the insertion and origin) are designed to make up for genetics (muscle belly length) which is likely not going to happen.
Yes, I'm home.