are you involved in any sports that might require sport specific legs? like i know for me that when it's basketball season i get enough exercise in my legs with five practices a week plus games! it's impossible to do legs because i'm so tired, and because i can't afford to have stiffer, more sore legs than they already are through out the week. i think i am far from lazy too (for all those saying that if you don't squat you're lazy). when i'm not playing ball at school i do train legs all out! this has set me in terms of my leg developement, but i bet all my money that no one could out jump me on this board!
in the end it's up to you, if you are not going to be a bodybuilder and people are never going to see you legs than i guess you don't have to, but, if you want the complete package, along with quality overall strength then get doing your squats!!!
in the end it's up to you, if you are not going to be a bodybuilder and people are never going to see you legs than i guess you don't have to, but, if you want the complete package, along with quality overall strength then get doing your squats!!!