O.k., o.k., I get the message! Geez... actually, y'all should know that until just a few months ago, I trained legs religiously (I could squat 315 for reps strict)... the big reason I stopped is b/c my legs and especially GLUTES grow so fast! My friggin ass was getting too big! A friend of mine told me that I have a "booty like a black girl." So I stopped for a few months to see what would happen. Turns out that my quads and hams shrank BUT my goddamn ass stayed just as muscular as ever! Oh the ironies of life... my friggin bis won't grow for shit but my ass stays big and ripped year round! But I think y'all are right saying that working legs help to contribute to OVERALL muscle growth b/c I've definitely noticed that my gains have slowed bigtime since I cut out legs from my routine.
I kinda wrote this thread anticipating that I'd get flamed for it and thinking that maybe that would be the impetus I needed to start squating again. Looks like it worked lol... seriously though, I couldn't agree with y'all more NOW GIMMIE THE PUKE BUCKET AND CLEAR THE WAY TO THE SQUAT RACK!!!!!!!!!! Thanks bros!