Bikini Mod
New member
SublimeZM said:pool boy is not equal to the ball fondler and you dumb vag havers know this.
a pool boy so you can get some strange cock? fuck yall for even suggesting it (whores, of course). anything a pool boy is gunna do, if you want it, a man will do (sexually of course, fuck clean your own pool).
if you were willing to fondle the balls or put out whenever the man wants, then he wouldnt need to hire the old lady to do it. youd be hiring the pool boy out of spite, or just to get strange, like i said earlier. we are highering the woman because of stuff your not willing to do.
i can see how a woman would be able to compare the two, because yall have no sense of rationality.
ill say it again and phrase it differently so when you quote this and STILL dont understand what im saying, i can point to all the many ways i said it and then say it another time:
poolboy=yall being hookers and wanting someone else to do something your man is already wanting to do 24/7, all u gotta do is ask
ballfondler for men= hiring someone to do something the woman is too lazy to do, even if u begged shed still go bang ur dad most likely
Nice try.