Hey makavelli, good stuff here. I've done straight keto diets before and they've worked great. This time I was planning on doing CKD, but 1) it's damn hard to stay away from any fat, 2) I don't know exactly what I should be eating during refeed day what w/GIs and all, and 3) I can't stand the bloat when the carbs and water come back. I've been doing straight keto for 5 weeks now, with nice results - down about 12-15 lbs. and 4-5% bf or so - though I admit I've cheated 2 or 3 times with a couple chicken fajita pitas b/c I really had no choice (it was either that or starve) and have had my fair share of low carb sugar alcohol products.
Anyway I think it's time for a refeed, so could you give me an example of what meals you'd eat? I'm just gonna stick to one day for simplicity. It's tough to keep strict tabs on everything, and eat frequently, when you're very very busy like I am. I generally just make sure I don't exceed 1700-1900 cals and try to stay away from virtually all carbs (sans lettuce and other mild veggies).
BTW I have put on some decent muscle mass while on the diet, though my energy and stamina have been suffering (T-Rex and YES definitely help w/that). 2 caveats: keto breath and excess skin, but I'll live with it for the time being!

OK I'm gonna STFU now...