It's been almost 3 weeks....
since I started, and I went from 230.5lbs to 218.5lbs. I feel leaner then ever, and people keep telling me I'm gettin you do look bigger when your lean.
Huge difference in my stomach, can see Face also looks a lot leaner and tight.
Overall, my strength has remained pretty constant. I've lost about a rep on all upper body excercises. My legs lost a little more strength, squats down about 15lbs. I really don't care right now though, just wanna get down to 8-10% BF...I'm at around 13% right now.
As far as my diet, for my first two meals I eat carbs/protein, and my last four meals are protein/fat....usualy chicken with flax oil or fish oil caps. Sunday I basically eat whatever I want all day, ice cream, whatever......