Lao Tzu
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LOS ANGELES (AFP) - A Christian missionary group making the rounds at US adult entertainment conventions hands out Bibles with "Jesus loves porn stars" stamped on their covers....."Jesus loves pornographers as much as he loves pastors, soccer moms, liars, thieves and prostitutes. We're all just people who need God to save us from the mess we're in, and lead us to a better way."
Good for them. Modern christianity sometimes seems like a branch of right wing politics rather than an attempt to better yourself and the world nowadays. More p0ink than Jesus. The Bible says to help the poor and love your neighbor about 5,000 times but it seems like right wing christians are always the first to call for the end of programs to help the poor and the most vengeful about crime and international politics.
In Bloomington there are a small group of religious extremists who show up to protest now and again. They carry giant signs saying 'you are going to hell' and stuff like that, and they talk about how God hates gays, abortionists, muslims, etc. So the next day after one of their rallies the local christian fraternity held a demonstration holding signs that said stuff like 'God loves you the way you are' or 'jesus wants to be your friend and look out for you'. That was nice of them. I'm not christian but I can get into that kind of supportive environment. I even tried joining a pentecostal church once because I liked how the people there tried to better themselves and each other. but the religious stuff was too intense and crammed too hard and I lost interest.
LOS ANGELES (AFP) - A Christian missionary group making the rounds at US adult entertainment conventions hands out Bibles with "Jesus loves porn stars" stamped on their covers....."Jesus loves pornographers as much as he loves pastors, soccer moms, liars, thieves and prostitutes. We're all just people who need God to save us from the mess we're in, and lead us to a better way."
Good for them. Modern christianity sometimes seems like a branch of right wing politics rather than an attempt to better yourself and the world nowadays. More p0ink than Jesus. The Bible says to help the poor and love your neighbor about 5,000 times but it seems like right wing christians are always the first to call for the end of programs to help the poor and the most vengeful about crime and international politics.
In Bloomington there are a small group of religious extremists who show up to protest now and again. They carry giant signs saying 'you are going to hell' and stuff like that, and they talk about how God hates gays, abortionists, muslims, etc. So the next day after one of their rallies the local christian fraternity held a demonstration holding signs that said stuff like 'God loves you the way you are' or 'jesus wants to be your friend and look out for you'. That was nice of them. I'm not christian but I can get into that kind of supportive environment. I even tried joining a pentecostal church once because I liked how the people there tried to better themselves and each other. but the religious stuff was too intense and crammed too hard and I lost interest.