I had a gf dropping weight from about 150 to 100..she's a small girl and should weight about 110. Her diet I call the "diet coke diet"...which I'm bringing up because I totally disagree with it. She starved herself and drank diet coke, rarely eating, probably closet eating once she broke down now and again. Sure the weight came off but she had no muscle tone and it was a miserable experience.
I'm currently dropping weight with her now. We weigh the same, about 140something, less than 150 but I still look muscular and she looks big. Our current gameplan is to eat adkins, low carb, but the twist is (for women that should weight around 110-130) we eat smaller portions. I'm estimating the volume of food we eat 3x/day from our little tupperware to control hand to mouth disease holds a total volume of 1/2cup. The rules are you can eat what you want, preferably low carb, but the volume matters. I feel I'm down a few pounds already and I'm not suffering too much.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.