Hows this routine and diet look?
I have lost 30 pounds ( 5.5 weeks) so far on the below stated program. Im going to pick up some additional supplements either Winstrol, Clens, and look into others this weekend. I would appreciate your view.
Diet: 2000-2300 Cal. per day (split between 5 meals)
Carbs: 30 grams Max. ( all vegetables )
Sugars: 0
Protein: 180-210 grams per day
Fat: 30 - 40 Grams Per day
Supplements: Xenadrine ( fat loss )
Multi-Vitamin ( GNC Brand)
Protein shakes and Bar (90% whey)
Workout: (3-4 days lifting, 3 days Cardio + abs, 1 day rest)
Lifting days:
10 Minute Cardio (Warm-Up)
2 Major muscle groups (heavy lifting w/ 1 superset per exercise)
10-15 Min. Cardio Session (cool down)
Cardio Days:
45 Minutes Cardio Session
Abs + (daily 100 crunches)
1 cheat meal per week
Rest is average 5-6 hours sleep per night
Height 5'10
weigth: original 238
Present 208
Bodyfat: around 27%
Goal- 20% BF by Mid August
Weight 195 Mid August
More than anything i want to get a little more shape to my muscles.