Oh, lord. You goober...
Thank you, and I apologize for TheProject.
I think he needs to badger the witness, bash the bishop, baste the turkey, beat up shorty, get some beef-strokin'-off, burp the worm, choke the chicken, clean his Rifle, clear the snorkel, date Pamela Handerson, drain the dragon, drill for oil, exorcise his demons, fiddle the ferret, fight with Tarzan, do the five knuckle shuffle, flog the dolphin, greet Madam Palm and her 5 lovely daughters, groom the Wookie, jack the beanstalk, jerk the gherkin, manually override, milk the one-uddered cow, play in onan's Olympics, watch a gang spanky marathon, play a flute solo, play some Pocket Billiards or pocket pool, polish the pewter, pull the taffy, rattle the one-eyed snake, say hello to Mr. Happy, shake hands with the one eyed milk man, shake hands with Mr. Goodwrench, Slob the Milosevich, squeeze a few rounds off on the pump action shotgun, squeeze the charmin, stroke the salami, take matters in hand, tame the shrew, tease the weasel,
tickle the pickle, twang his magic twanger, varnishing the fencepost, visit the petting zoo, wax the Winnebago, white water wristing, windsurf on Mt. Baldy, wrestle with the one-eyed monster, etc...