I made this post in another thread:
I took a number of PH's in highschool while playing football (dumb I know, save the lecture) like M1T and absolutely loved them.
Throughout college, I went through havoc, halodrol, superdrol, and a few other supplements that were supposed to be great but never really felt them. I came to the conclusion that most these prohormones had become a complete waste of money and I told myself I was done with them.
I kept lifting and was in great shape about 2 years ago before I hurt my shoulder about a year ago and just finally got it back to normal recently. I started lifting consistently and dieting again for 4 weeks before I decided to give Beastdrol a shot since I had read nothing but great reviews and wanted to get a kick start on my routine.
I am only on day 17 @ 20mg/day and I can't tell you how pleased I have been with the results so far. The gains have been dry, the pumps are just awesome, and my strength, mass, and muscular development has definitely improved. I am not like most where I try to dirty bulk and gain as much size as I can when on a supplement. I am on a 3k calorie diet that is very clean. I have increased lean body muscle mass, decreased my body fat, and seen all my main compound lifts go up a decent amount.
I am also taking it with N2Guard, Milk Thistle, Taurine, and have Forma Stanzol on hand just in case. For anyone on the fence, do yourself a favor and get on the Beast, you won't be disappointed.
I started week 3 today and am still taking 2 pills a day and seeing noticeable gains in strength and size. I am just now starting to get looks and compliments at the gym. I am probably going to go up to 3 pills a day for week 4 and then run PCT/Unleashed/HCgenerate and end up running another cycle of Beastdrol (or helladrol) in May.