Firstly from that pic your not 10%.
Secondly, altho i think this idea is retarded, to ensure you can have kids look into freezing your sperm. Obviously cost a bit of money per year for storage and I think anything over 10 years is advised against (altho some claim the storage can be much longer).
Thirdly make sure you have a good, legit, and most importantly constant supply.
Fourthly i feel your test levels are more than adequate its probably just in your genes. And the fact that steroids can close the gap has caused almost an addiction in you. I say this because there are not many guys your age (like me) who would consider doing this. Now id say i have pretty good genes and unlike you a massively rapidly fast metabolism, so perhaps im not the best measure. However the only ppl i can see making a decision like yours would be pros or people like Guy Shaffer.
Fifthly, remember that kids isnt the only issue with TRT. Hair, prostate, BP etc. are all affected to some degree. It would truely suck if you had no hair, a football sized prostate, and a 30000/20000 BP. Obviously I exagerrate. Nonetheless TRT requires a strict regime in order to prevent the undesired sides associated with exogenous T.
Sixthly, Im no expert in the matter and talking with the vets - such as Joe D and needto will provide you with yet further insight into the matter.
Hope this helps,