I have to agree with casual in that the core is the increased strength thru rest pauses, coupled with the diet and extreme stretching. Thats of utmost importance.
I cringe when i see someone say--Ive been doing 5x5 for 4 weeks and now im going to try HST or DC for 4 weeks to see if it works. Four weeks? I know my methods work and I know HST works and I dont know much about it through and through but Im pretty sure 5x5 is working for people--but 4 weeks isnt enough time to see if something is working or not. Christ it takes people 6-15 years to put on huge amounts of muscle mass yet people are jumping from program to program every 4 weeks. I would like to hear from the other trainers on this board but I will say definitely that every person who comes to me (to train them) who hasnt gained for awhile thinks its their training system thats the problem (and some enhanced people think they have fake drugs) VERY RARELY IS IT THE TRAINING--Nine times out of ten its diet! I cant make a 250lb bodybuilder out of a 200lb bodybuilder who is eating like a 180lb bodybuilder. My methods DEFINITELY (and probaly every other method) wont work unless someone is doing the neccessary things according to diet. I have no qualms stating that at all. If you think you can do my methods eating a bowl of applejacks in the morning, a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich for lunch and a can of ravioli for dinner and succeed--its not going to happen. I dont want people to jump on this DC bandwagon because theres alot of people liking it. Get your diet in check first as thats priority number one--the make or break of it. When thats done take one of these protocols (mine, HST, 5x5 or whatever) and after reading about each one and its merits make a choice and give it a solid 3-6 month run fullout. As sad as this is to say I am trying to sway too many people from using my methods because I know Im going to get people who triple what I tell them to do and overtrain, or eat like a 145lb marathon runner, or just do it half ass looking for a miracle. The local people I show this too --god it takes me sometimes 2 weeks to get them on the right track and then they get into their groove and take off up the bodybuilding ladder.....its 50 times tougher than that trying to type all this out on message boards.