She said if we hang out again, she'll get naked, let me touch her everywhere, and kiss her. Like part of my mind really wants to do that.
But could I regret it even more later? I dont know!

I dont know myself.
How was she not being nice to me?
A guy's main arousal display is an erection. But so many things can interfere with that. It was not nice of her to say that, given your experience level. Plus she wants to move on becasue of it? I bet she's not the innocent she says she is. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but her behaviour makes her suspect for anything else Maybe I'm blind, but I just need to ask cuz I want to know what you think.
I feel like in many ways im not a virgin anymore

My dick was involved in a sexual act, and people laugh these days at folks who've had oral sex and call themselves virgins, i dunno.
I just hope to find a girl fast, cuz its scary being 22 almost 23, and having nothing happened to me in my romance life.