Stop trying to figure it out and start listening to the other dudes on this thread. Your obsession with this female has to do with the fact that you're regretting YOU weren't aggressive enough to fondle her outrageously at a party. Let it go. Big boobs aren't exactly uncommon.
Heal, while women like sensitive men, then generally only want that shit WHEN they're actually IN a relationship.
Get sensitive when you've got a relationship, until then suck it up, get over it and move on.
You have to learn to deal with rejection if you're going to be a guy who dates real human females. It's tough for men, but it is what it is. She rejected you becuase of WHATEVER. She's a fucking chick, who fucking KNOWS what she wants? Shit, girls reject guys because the smell is wrong (I kid you not), so stop trying to figure out why SHE rejected you, and go find the one that CHASES you.