musclemom said:
Real women, much better

Online dating = bad, not appropriate for young people, smacks of despiration and unnatural interests.
Yeah, I've heard other people say that same thing, that online dating is only for older people, lol.
So how does it smack of despiration and unnatural interests?
Meeting women in the real world is tough. And I dont see how it would be any more or less acceptable depending on age. I mean its not like i can meet women in college anymore, I graduated!
heavy_duty said:
Your boys won't hook you up?
that is very very very BAD....that's a sign bro!!!
oh shit mang!!!!
they have no hookups
silver_shadow said:
actually, that is pretty much what you should have done. it's been my experience that 9 out of 10 times a chick mentions another guy to make you feel jealous. if you don't react, she'll think your cool about her seeing other guys so you're not possessive about her... something most women want to feel - that a guy is willing to kill other men for her!
the easiest way to get chicks is to become more confident. with confidence you'll find even women you don't know at all, total strangers, hitting on you in all sorts of places... in malls, restaurants, buses, trains, while walking down the road, at work, in the gym (you do workout right?)... different ages - older, younger, same age, different ethnic groups. sometimes, it'll be more subtle and sometimes it will be blatantly obvious like a girl stopping to say "hi" to you (i'm not making this up - it actually happens). you won't have to say stuff like "i don't get to meet girls"
do whatever it takes for you to be more confident... most here on EF improved their self confidence by becoming bigger, stronger and more jacked... the chicks don't necessarily dig just the better body but the confidence that comes with it. hell i've seen ugly guys with average joe bodies get chicks to run behind them because they have confidence along with charisma.
PS: don't confuse confidence for cockiness and/or arrogance/narcissism though.
I've discoverd that gaining confidence can be real tough, especially since I am kind of a perfectionist and am hard on myself. I am not sure of any foolproof method for gaining confidence. I am working out more now, and I plan on kicking my body into good shape, so that I can at least feel confident about my appearances, but i know thats only half the battle when it comes to gaining confidence and attracting women. Even back when i worked out all the time and looked good, I still had problems attracting women, and still had quite low self esteem. Instead of having low confidence due to appearances, it was my weak socializing skills and my natural introvert-ness that were hurting my confidence,
Can someone have some good confidence even if they suck at life? In other words could someone reprogram themselves to always be confident even though their life wasnt all that great in comparison to other people's?
velvett said:
You are not ready to be involved with someone else at this point in your life.
Look to yourself to make yourself a better person, for you and for other to appreciate you more.
I've been trying to better myself for 22 years. Just because I dont have the best handle on things, doesnt mean I should have to suffer and always be single as a result.
Y_lifter said:
She touches mens dicks but won't let you kiss her ??
Does she think she's Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, or what ?
she didnt want to be my first kiss. she doesnt like teaching people how to kiss, and she didnt want me to remember it and be upset that i kissed a girl who didnt stick around, or something
Tweakle said:
you don't get to say that about anyone until you've had relationships with enough other woment to be able to make a meaningful comparision.
since when do you have to be in a relationship to know who a good woman when you see one?
Tweakle said:
she lets guys lick her nipples in public, and tells you about the cawk she craves from other dudes. Even if you managed to snag her into marriage, for the rest of your life she'd be acting out.
yeah, i guess she's more of a whore than i thought
Tweakle said:
Remember you're just trying to get the sex thing out of your system with a confidence-raising disposable fuck or two so when you meet someone you actually like you'll have a better idea which bits do what.
im sure that was one of the things that was going through my head when i hooked up with this girl and let her touch my dick.