It's official, it's over (big suprise, huh?)
I talked to her last night on aol and on the phone, and I found out she was lying to me about some things. Yes, she does like another guy right now, but that's not the reason she doesn't want to hang out with me (not what she told me before).
Last night she said that:
1) I did screw up the time I hung out with her, and she probably wouldn't ever want to fool around with me again. She said I complained too much, was an amateur, laid on her too much without letting her lay on me, and it just wasnt much of a turn on experience for her overall.
And she admitted she was making excuses earlier for not hanging out with me, and not talking to me as much. Because she was turned off by what happened the time we hung out last.
2) She said she isnt sure if she wants to screw around anymore, apparently she was screwing around with multiple guys (which she didnt tell me earlier) and she decided it might be doing her more harm than good. But even if she did want to screw around, it probably wouldnt be with me, she said.
But... She still wants to be friends and talk.
I told her I thought it would be better for me if I didnt talk to her for awhile, because I still like her, and it sucks being reminded about her and reminded about how things turned out sour, and that i wont get anything from her.
Then she said, "no dont be ridiculous, we should still talk. If we stop talking for awhile, I probably wont start talking to you again even if you want to later, cuz I'll be out of that mode"
At this moment, I'm trying to decide whether or not this girl was truly being disrespectful with me or not,
and even if she wasnt, whether or not i should still remain friends with her.
Honestly, I think it might be easier on me, if I deleted her from my aol and facebook, that way I wouldnt have to be reminded of this mess.
And it sounds like the odds of her letting me back into her bed are slim. But if she wants to have fun again, she can be the one to contact me, cuz until then, I dont see what I'd get out of talking to her besides becoming more depressed.