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Ok I'm going to explain this in the simplest way possible without getting too scientific. I've always felt that simplicity is the easiest way to educate. Grasping concepts is the most important part of understanding something....not memorizing vocabulary and big fancy words.
So we have our standard IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor - 1). It get's its name because it is molecularly similar to insulin, and exhibits most of it's activity on the insulin receptor, which greatly assists in the shuttling of blood sugars and nutrients into the muscle cells. IGF-1 is more selective in this process as it's nutrient shuttling properties only seem to have an effect on bone, connective, muscular, and intestinal tissues whereas insulin exhibits it's effects on just about every tissue cell in the body. IGF-1 is a chain of 70 amino acids that make up this polypeptide hormone.
IGF-1 also regulates cell growth and division. It can activate the division of cells into 2 new cells (hyperplasia). AAS only work to increase the size of your existing muscle cells where as IGF-1 works to divide these cells, giving you more cells to build upon. Hence why modern day bodybuilders are able to reach the monstrous size they are today.
Here's where the 3 forms of IGF-1 differ:
*IGF-1 refers to the natural IGF-1 produced in the body.
Molecular Makeup
Contains a 70 molecule long chain of amino acids
IGF-1 LR3:
Contains an 83 molecule long chain of amino acids. 13 additional amino acids were added to the N terminus along with an alteration at the 3rd position where the Glutamic acid molecule is replaced by Arginine. (I'll get to why that matters in a minute).
Contains a 67 molecule long chain of amino acids. 3 were removed from the N terminus.
IGF-1: Half-Life: 12-15 hours
Our bodies have certain IGF-1 binding proteins. These proteins bind to IGF-1 and shuttle it around the body either to where it's needed for use....or to be disposed of (extra). IGF-1 is only active and available when it is NOT bound to these proteins. We call this "free" IGF-1.
IGF-1 LR3: Half-Life: 20-30 hours
This is where the molecular alteration mentioned above come in. The changes to the amino acid chain make IGF-1 LR3 much less likely to bind to IGF-1 binding proteins, and gives it a MUCH stronger binding affinity to IGF-1 receptors. This allows it to remain "free" and active in the blood stream much longer before it is carried away, and also allows it to bind much longer to the IGF-1 receptor and exhibit it's effects. This means it can exhibit it's effects for a much longer period of time. This accounts for LR3 being about 3 times more potent than natural IGF-1.
IGF-1 DES: Half-Life: 20-30 minutes
The molecular alteration at the N terminus gives IGF-1 DES a MUCH MUCH stronger effect. Whenever something acts on a receptor, it sends a signal or code telling the receptor what to do to the cell it occupies. Signals vary greatly. They can tell the cell to divide, open it's membranes, die, grow, heal, move, contract, etc. Signals also vary in strength. It could tell the cell to grow a little, or a lot, let some nutrients in or let a lot of nutrients in etc. IGF-1 DES sends the same signal as IGF-1 and LR3, but it sends a much stronger signal. DIVIDE DIVIDE DIVIDE! EAT EAT EAT! MORE NUTRIENTS!!! GROW GODDAMMIT! Make sense? For this reason it's about 10 times stronger than IGF-1 and 3-5 times stronger than IGF-1 LR3. BUT due it's very short half life, it's strength still doesn't provide the same results ad LR3.
Hopefully this was put simply enough where it was easy to understand. As you can see, IGF-1 LR3 is KING for overall potency, efficiency, and results. That's why it is utilized widely by bodybuilders allover. And because of the advancements in modern day science and medicine, you can get it without breaking the bank. Just make sure you trust your source!
So we have our standard IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor - 1). It get's its name because it is molecularly similar to insulin, and exhibits most of it's activity on the insulin receptor, which greatly assists in the shuttling of blood sugars and nutrients into the muscle cells. IGF-1 is more selective in this process as it's nutrient shuttling properties only seem to have an effect on bone, connective, muscular, and intestinal tissues whereas insulin exhibits it's effects on just about every tissue cell in the body. IGF-1 is a chain of 70 amino acids that make up this polypeptide hormone.
IGF-1 also regulates cell growth and division. It can activate the division of cells into 2 new cells (hyperplasia). AAS only work to increase the size of your existing muscle cells where as IGF-1 works to divide these cells, giving you more cells to build upon. Hence why modern day bodybuilders are able to reach the monstrous size they are today.
Here's where the 3 forms of IGF-1 differ:
*IGF-1 refers to the natural IGF-1 produced in the body.
Molecular Makeup
Contains a 70 molecule long chain of amino acids
IGF-1 LR3:
Contains an 83 molecule long chain of amino acids. 13 additional amino acids were added to the N terminus along with an alteration at the 3rd position where the Glutamic acid molecule is replaced by Arginine. (I'll get to why that matters in a minute).
Contains a 67 molecule long chain of amino acids. 3 were removed from the N terminus.
IGF-1: Half-Life: 12-15 hours
Our bodies have certain IGF-1 binding proteins. These proteins bind to IGF-1 and shuttle it around the body either to where it's needed for use....or to be disposed of (extra). IGF-1 is only active and available when it is NOT bound to these proteins. We call this "free" IGF-1.
IGF-1 LR3: Half-Life: 20-30 hours
This is where the molecular alteration mentioned above come in. The changes to the amino acid chain make IGF-1 LR3 much less likely to bind to IGF-1 binding proteins, and gives it a MUCH stronger binding affinity to IGF-1 receptors. This allows it to remain "free" and active in the blood stream much longer before it is carried away, and also allows it to bind much longer to the IGF-1 receptor and exhibit it's effects. This means it can exhibit it's effects for a much longer period of time. This accounts for LR3 being about 3 times more potent than natural IGF-1.
IGF-1 DES: Half-Life: 20-30 minutes
The molecular alteration at the N terminus gives IGF-1 DES a MUCH MUCH stronger effect. Whenever something acts on a receptor, it sends a signal or code telling the receptor what to do to the cell it occupies. Signals vary greatly. They can tell the cell to divide, open it's membranes, die, grow, heal, move, contract, etc. Signals also vary in strength. It could tell the cell to grow a little, or a lot, let some nutrients in or let a lot of nutrients in etc. IGF-1 DES sends the same signal as IGF-1 and LR3, but it sends a much stronger signal. DIVIDE DIVIDE DIVIDE! EAT EAT EAT! MORE NUTRIENTS!!! GROW GODDAMMIT! Make sense? For this reason it's about 10 times stronger than IGF-1 and 3-5 times stronger than IGF-1 LR3. BUT due it's very short half life, it's strength still doesn't provide the same results ad LR3.
Hopefully this was put simply enough where it was easy to understand. As you can see, IGF-1 LR3 is KING for overall potency, efficiency, and results. That's why it is utilized widely by bodybuilders allover. And because of the advancements in modern day science and medicine, you can get it without breaking the bank. Just make sure you trust your source!