Well, it's been more than 24 hours and I shit my pants at the results literally!!!!!
Last night I was feeling my arm in bed and my triceps were a little larger than before, kind of I was on fina but it was not as hard.
Today after classes I did squats and benches.
Last time I did them was last monday.
My bench is up 40lbs in the 4 rep max and my 20 rep squat only 35lbs. I think it might be the placebo effect because I was more intense than I normally would be. I was yelling at my last rep and the neigbors could have heard me easily.
Do you guys think 40lbs in one week is placebo?
Well no sides untill I was in class and low and behold I need to shit, but I could hold it, it was not explosive. So I sit down on the pot and I start peeing out of my ass, water diarria with no solids, it was just yellow. I had that 8 times in one day, yep eight times!!!!! I was not sick at all I felt good the whole day, no bloating nothing, just the shit piss. I finally started taking Imodium AD after the 6th time, 4 chewies, 7th, 2 chewies, 8th, 4 more. For a total of ten Imodium AD chewables. It's been a couple hours since I had to go.
I just mesured my arm and I'm 1 inches larger than yesturday with no pump, let me remind you my arm is slightly pumped because I just benched a couple of hours ago.
Well, lets see what tommarow will bring, my tris are more pronounced in the mirror and by the touch than before.
Well signing off... That's all folks!
Oh yeah..... I injected 2 mcg in my glute with a 1cc syringe, 25g 1 1/2 inch needle with no pain what so ever, if felt great!
It's possible that this all could be a placebo effect except for the 40 lbs increase on my bench.
[This message has been edited by Zeacky (edited October 23, 2000).]