YES! how is it spelled? I thought it was "invilid". However I went to and the spelling is "invalid" according to the website. Tell me I'm wrong.
you now have the chance, fuck-factor, to strike back for every wronged man on earth.
take this high classed snotty mental midget and fuck her sideways. destroy her world. make her hate men with what you did to her. show her the depths that humanity can reach. hurt her just for the fun my friend. drill a hole through her heart and fuck it till it stop beating.
#2 Did you go out with her before sleeping with her?
I would straight tell her on the phone, honestly that you would love to go to dinner but that you wanted to be totally honest before hand that you are not looking for a relationship and that you love spending time with her, but needed to get this off your chest because you don't want to lead her on to the wrong idea.
Two things may happen.
#1 She could tell you to fuck off and that your penis was small LOL!
OR#2 She could respect your honesty and agree to a casual "friendship"
I went out with her once before sleeping with her. I can tell she likes me a lot, she was saying after sleeping with me for one night that it was weired sleeping alone the next night. I think I should just summon up the courage to talk to her. This happened before towards the end of last year with another chic and turned out badly.
Very sweet, attractive girl. I was horny and physically attracted to her but after having sex the feelings disappeared. I don't know what happened. Yesterday she called me and invited me to dinner this week and all I could say was, "I'll let you know". There seems to be no way out of this without screwing her over. This sucks, I should stop having sex period.
I have no problems doing that sometimes because believe it or not a lot of women have the same no strings attitude about sex that men do but not with her. She is waaaaay too nice.
She's going to end up hating you, one way or another. You know how chicks are.
That being said, leading her on is a crummy thing to do. Be honest with her, and even though she'll likely call you an asshole and never talk to you again, at least you won't have to deal with all the emotional bullshit down the road.
Go out with her but don't be too intimate with her. Continue to fuck her. If she asks, tell her you aren't ready for a relationship but enjoy being with her. Always have excuses for everything --- you are always right. Maybe you can keep her around for a long time. You will satisfy her desire to get fucked, she can have boyfriends, you can have girlfriends, no one will care.
Don't for one second think she is in love with you already. Don't mistake her apparent interest for attachment. Women know how to act sweet and innocent but they are intelligent and know how things work. If you go into this thing with the right attitude and the right excuses / exit strategy, you could have a fuck friend for several months or longer.