New member
2 weeks ago I started doing a 3x8, following the same principals as in needsize's 5x5. I had been doing 5x5,3x5,5x3 for over a year now and I just felt that I need to do a different rep range as the heavy weights from sets of 5 and 3 were too taxing on the body. I actually originally wanted to do a 4x8, but that was to hard. The sets of 8 were hard the first few weeks as I had not done anything above 5 for a long time, but they are getting easier each week. I plan to go back to 5's in about 4-5 weeks again. I am doing 4x3 for deads, but I am doing them every other week. When I am not doing deads I am rack pulls at 3x8. Anyways I just wanted share and see if anyone had any opinions on this. I see no reason why this would not work at 8 reps if it works for 5 and 3. It is still pretty early, but so far I am enjoying the change.