hey guys... i was supposed to be runnin adex at .5mgs ed while on the dbol portion of my cycle... ended up no gettin adex but i have nolv to run in place of it... how much should i run and how often ed?..eod?... thanks for the help fellas!
hey guys... i was supposed to be runnin adex at .5mgs ed while on the dbol portion of my cycle... ended up no gettin adex but i have nolv to run in place of it... how much should i run and how often ed?..eod?... thanks for the help fellas!
the nolva wont do anything for bloat. But if you're taking it for gyno it will work well. You should probably see how you react to the cycle. If your nipples start to feel a little tender 10 mg a day to start would be ok. Bump it to 20 if you need more. You could even run 10 just to stay on the safe side. Nolva is fast acting though so you could wait and see how it goes. just have it on hand.
run the nolva at 5-10 mg ed from the start of the dbol through about 3 days after it ends
if gyno is the only reason your using adex i personally would take the nolva instead. i liked the high estro on cycle but i would get gyno without nolva so i used it.