I go under the pretence that your body can only absorb around 60g of protein per hour. (10-12hrs) With that said, I stay between 600g - 700g per day. That works out to be roughly 6lbs of powder and a couple of cases of bars ( + food ) per week. I do this on or off cycle.
Yes it gets expensive, and no, I don't shit bricks!
I weigh 190LBS,take in around 400grams of protein.I don't drink any shakes,I eat all solid food.From my personal experience,i get alot bigger eating all solid food.
im 200,,,,when im not eating a meal i got a bar in my hand..3 shakes a day...400 grams of protien a day,,,hard to keep it clean,but u do what u gotta do
Everyone’s metabolism is different, but I have found that when trying to gain or lose weight, I have to maintain a high level of protein regardless of my goal to be successful.
At 150#, 5’6” 50 years old, that equates to 300 grams a day, and I maintain muscle even when dieting.