right now i try to get 3-4 days in of 45-60 min of either jogging or walking at an incline...but i need to because unfortunately i like to eat too much
ok, ok I'm better, well I do pull the sled twice a week and Deb and I have a shitload of nookie and I work up a mean heart pounding doing that, does that count?
My diet sucks BIG TIME...so I do HIIT 5 days a week and 10 min after that just jogging or something..then I go to a step class 2 times a week only 30 min long...and I teach a circuit so I am on/off a step every minute for 2 1/2 hours (VERY tiring) and every other day I run a couple miles...and if I dont run I do aerobic videos at home.
I do lift in there...in the mornings I do legs 2 times a week...and arms the other days at night and abs 2 -3 times a week...but I really slack off on my abs. You cant see them anyway.
Here's what I usually do. I usually walk to & from the gym, anywhere from 6 -8 miles roundtrip depending on the route. Lift when there, about 3-4 days per week. 2-4 days per week I do official "cardio" ie elliptical via HIIT. Total cardio probably 5-6 days per week. I've been feeling exhausted doing it so I think I'll cut down.