I agree with that as a baseline.
I also posted about this earlier... but I am hard pressed to believe most Anyone on this board is consistently eating 2 grams protein per lb/bw. If we use the example of a 200lb'er, that is 400 grams (1600 calories) of ONLY protein... or 8 meals at 50 grams per sitting... which would be circa 7oz COOKED chicken or 2 full scoops protein, 8 times per day.
Toss your carbs and Good fats in there, and you've got a TON of food.
In addition, that much protein requires Substantial increases in water intake... minimal water intake with maximum protein intake= very unhappy kidneys.
I would challenge anyone to keep a fitday journal for 7 days and see how close they get to that number, on average for 7 days. The actual number you get will probably surprise you.