I would do whatever you feel most comfortable with and whatever is producing the best gains. I like 6 days on , one day off. I don't think days is an indicator of overtraining. The workout I do can be done in 4 days, if I were to do more excercises per workout, but I prefer to do keep the excercise number low and intensity high. I work each major muscle group once a week, if you do more, then it could be a different story.
On paper 6 days seems like alot, but if your only doing 45min-1 hour of lifting at the max versus doing 2 hours of lifting and working out 3-4 days a week then its really the same. I feel 6 days is superior for muscle size and strength since it enables me to workout more intesely. For example...... I would have better workouts if I did back and biceps seperatly versus doing both in one workout. If I did biceps after back during the same lifting session, I would be totally burned out and be dragging myself most of the bicep workout, for me its hard to keep the intensity up as the time and excercises progress.