the way they look is mostly genetic, but the fact that they are well developed definately has to do with the strongman stuff.....don't be alarmed he has merely been bit by freakus swoliosis
i didn't realize they were that big, but i appreciate it. i do nothing directly for them(that means i dont' do shrugs often), but i would say they get hit, in cleans, strict presses, standing presses, stones, farmers, deads, bout everything i do.
he's being modest, dont let him lie, he's had enough ppl tell him his traps are huge to thats my weak point. funny thing is,,,,we get to nashville and my gf says so this is the guy you wanna have shoulders and look like. yea, thanks alot. anyways, yea, he has no neck
thanx guys, but i have found muscles don't mean much on meet day unless they do something. cuthbert and i discussed this last night, how people expect something of me, and nothing of him when they meet us. then he shocks the crap out of them when he smokes them.
thanx guys, but i have found muscles don't mean much on meet day unless they do something. cuthbert and i discussed this last night, how people expect something of me, and nothing of him when they meet us. then he shocks the crap out of them when he smokes them.
you are right....stand u 2 side by side and you'd think you would just punk cuthbert but like clint told me someones size dont mean a whole lot in this game.....but you still have some massive traps.
Yes, you have some big ole traps there chief. I haven't really noticed till someone mentioned. I knew you had been getting thicker lately. Of course, as short as you ,are its hard to look down that far to see those traps.