I have a question for you. Are you doing this truly because YOU want to or because you feel the need to prove something to someone?
thank you so much for your words. when you said your physique was amazing but nothing compared to after you got your bulimia under control, that gives me a lot of hope bc that's what i want, to be free from the disease and to pursue what i love even more fully.
i do want to compete for myself-at this point it's to prove to myself that i can, and a small part of me is bc of some people from the past, i'll look at that further, but mostly it is for me, i think it's perfect for me, it's meant to be.
and i totally appreciate your bluntness-i really need to hear that this is something i need to take care of b4 i compete, bc i know that's true, but i'm having a hard time accepting it, and letting go. i've set myself up like this before where i pick a show, announce it to people-big mistake won't do that again, and have to back out, now the date approaches and i go through all this grieving over it, shame, did i do the right thing etc etc. it's crazy. i have to get over this need to hurry into this-i have always been plagued by the feeling that time is running out and that i'm behind, i think partly it's my perfectionism/drive, but right now this is killing me, i'm mentally/spirtually a wreck and i am going to try to let this go for now and keep telling myself it will happen, there's lots of shows, and when i do i'll be better than i am now by far. thank you again, keep in touch