Well basically up until early November all of my training had been bodyweight stuff, mostly handstands, ring work, pullups, pushups, dips, heavy bag. Well I've built a pretty decent physique, sorry I cant post pics (alot of tattoos, scars, and I actually wouldn't know how anyway) with this style of training but with my interest in becoming a personal trainer I wanted to get into the gym. I was originally only in there to do squats, deadlifts, and play around a little bit, see how strong I was. I really enjoy the weights, and have been putting on weight, mostly from the squats and of course hcgenerate (I love it) and alot of whey protien shakes. I've put on about 25 pounds since summer, and most of it since joining the gym. I am hooked on muscle, and want to get show ready so I can look the part and become a successful personal trainer. I feel that what I was doing did alot to develop my chest, arms, and mostly shoulders. My shoulders are awesome. I believe that is from spending alot of time doing handstands (against a wall, I'm just starting to work into freestanding). I was only working out at the gym on Sunday's and doing my regular workout of handstands, front and back lever work on the rings, pushups/dips, and weighted pullups and chins 4 days a week. Now I will be going to the gym on Wednesday's as well. I figure on doing full body those days, something like this:
5 sets of handstands in my warmup
Squats 5x5 getting up to 205 so far, terrible I know but very deep.
Incline press 205 x4,4 195x6 (last workout)
Alternating with pullups as wide as I can get to make 3x8
Db flat bench press: got up to 90's x7 last time
Db row: got up to 90 for 10 last time
That was it
Wednesday I plan on warming up again doing some handstands
Then squat (higher reps, less weight), overhead press, cleans or snatch, deadlifts, maybe bb row, and maybe some reverse bb curls (I have to do reverse grip on these to help let my elbows heal from overtraining I developed some nice tendinitis from so many workouts every week) and I'm not sure if direct arm works really needed, I've always struggled to add size to my arms and these bodyweight workouts and no direct arm work have givin me my best arms ever.
I was thinking Fridays I would do the regular stuff I'm used to at home, since it's been good to me so far, just hasn't done squat for my lower body. Also I will have a hard time getting in to the gym anymore than that, I'm a busy guy, family, work, school, etc.
I really want to get solid on my handstands as I would like to do a straddle press to handstand in my routine, and I really am happy with my shoulder development at least visually- very round, definitely my best asset.
Does this all sound pretty solid? I plan on adding another 30 (maybe more) pounds before a show in November and think it would be really cool to still be athletic with the added mass.
5 sets of handstands in my warmup
Squats 5x5 getting up to 205 so far, terrible I know but very deep.
Incline press 205 x4,4 195x6 (last workout)
Alternating with pullups as wide as I can get to make 3x8
Db flat bench press: got up to 90's x7 last time
Db row: got up to 90 for 10 last time
That was it
Wednesday I plan on warming up again doing some handstands
Then squat (higher reps, less weight), overhead press, cleans or snatch, deadlifts, maybe bb row, and maybe some reverse bb curls (I have to do reverse grip on these to help let my elbows heal from overtraining I developed some nice tendinitis from so many workouts every week) and I'm not sure if direct arm works really needed, I've always struggled to add size to my arms and these bodyweight workouts and no direct arm work have givin me my best arms ever.
I was thinking Fridays I would do the regular stuff I'm used to at home, since it's been good to me so far, just hasn't done squat for my lower body. Also I will have a hard time getting in to the gym anymore than that, I'm a busy guy, family, work, school, etc.
I really want to get solid on my handstands as I would like to do a straddle press to handstand in my routine, and I really am happy with my shoulder development at least visually- very round, definitely my best asset.
Does this all sound pretty solid? I plan on adding another 30 (maybe more) pounds before a show in November and think it would be really cool to still be athletic with the added mass.